Once the credentials are ready, you can choose to send a teaser email to create excitement and inform recipients about the upcoming credentials (We highly recommend doing so!). Click on ‘Customize email’ to personalize the pre-written email template provided by Verix.
If you wish to skip this step, you can directly click on the ‘Issue’ button at the bottom of your screen.
At this stage, you’ll be prompted to choose whether to issue the credentials with or without sending an email from the Verix domain.
Once the credentials are ready, you can choose to send a teaser email to create excitement and inform recipients about the upcoming credentials (We highly recommend doing so!). Click on ‘Customize email’ to personalize the pre-written email template provided by Verix.
If you wish to skip this step, you can directly click on the ‘Issue’ button at the bottom of your screen.
At this stage, you’ll be prompted to choose whether to issue the credentials with or without sending an email from the Verix domain.